Hwadu Meditation

Dharma Talks

Busong 2024. 11. 29. 08:08
  Bodhi-dharma's Wake-up Sermon
  Toeong Seongcheol
     Letters Exchanged between Master Seongcheol, Prof. Bieder and Layman Gyutae Son
     Clean off the mirrors in our minds
     The Correct Path of Seon
     Keeping the Precepts Is Genuine Purity
     Universal Law Is Buddhist Dharma
     Look at the Great Light
     A World Filled with Peace
     The Red Sun Rises High
     Listen to the Eternal sound of the Bell
     Greedless Harmony
     The True Nature of Life
     Take a good look at yourself
     The Middle Way is Buddha
     Words of Blessings - Since there is this, there is that
     Noble Buddha
     Happy Birthday
     Searchang for Water in water
     On "Dharmas are neither produced nor extinguished"
     Broadly Cultivated Offerings
     On Meditation
     The Word of the Spirit
     Eaith is Your Holy Land
     The One Vehicle and Expedients
     "No Mind" is Buddha
     The Three Jewels
     Respect All as Buddha
     Questions from Followers
     How to Study Kong-an
     True Prayer
     The Original Face
     Re-Examination Is the Faith
     What To Love
  Bojo Jinul ( 1158 ~ 1210 )
     1. Secrets on Cultivating the Mind (修心訣 Susim kyeol)
     2. The triple world is blazing in defilement as if it were a house on fire.
     3. Why can we not see this Buddha‐nature now?
     4. Performing magic and miracles
     5. Sudden awakening/ Gradual cultivation
     6. Mind of void and calm, numinous awareness
     7. The practice of herding the ox
     8. Meaning of maintaining samadhi and prajna equally
     9. Cultivation prior to awakening is not true cultivation
     10. If you do not cultivate now, you will go off in the wrong direction for ten thousand kalpas.
     11. NOTES
     Sublime Functioning of True Mind
     Golden Teaching of the Mind Cultivation
     Bodhi-dharma's Breakthrough Sermon
     Bodhi-dharma's Bloodstream Sermon
     The Great Master Bodhi-dharma's Teaching on the Two Enterings and the Four Practices
     On Mind-Watching
     On Lineage