Hwadu Meditation

Overview of Hwadu Meditation

Busong 2024. 11. 29. 08:10
  PART 1: The Stage of basic
     Chapter 1: Patriarchal seon and its historical development
         The Meaning and Currents of Patriarchal Seon
         The History and Tradition of Korean Seon
         The House Style of Korean Patriarchal Seon
     Chapter 2: An outline of Ganhwa seon
         What is Ganhwa Seon?
         The Characteristics Ganhwa Seon has as Patriarchal Seon
         The Reason for the Emphasis in Ganhwa Seon on Originally Being Buddha
         Why is Ganhwa Seon the Supreme Vehicle Dharma?
         The Content of Seeing the Nature as seen from Ganhwa Seon
     Chapter 3: The teaching of the buddha and ganhwa seon
         The Words and Mind of the Buddha and Ganhwa Seon
         The Investigation Method, Conditional Production, and the Structure of the Middle Way
         Not establishing letters and a separate transmission apart from the Teachings, and Ganhwa Seon.
         The reason for not listening to the words of the Buddha or of the generations of patriarchs when inv..
     Chapter 4: The fundamental practice of ganhwa seon
         The Reason for Giving Importance to Correct Views in Ganhwa Seon
         How must one practice the basic practices of Ganhwa Seon?
         The Reason for Valuing a Correct World View in Ganhwa Seon
         The necessity that one must understand the doctrine before the practice of Ganhwa Seon
         What is the Relation between of Practice of Ganhwa Seon and the Precepts
  PART 2: The Stage of real consultation (the study stage)
     Chapter 1. The Stage of the Decision and Choice of the Hwadu
         What is Hwadu?
         Mental Resolution and the Investigation of Hwadu
         If one wishes to investigate hwadu, how must one resolve the mind?
         Is there a hwadu that is exactly right for a practitioner?
         When and from whom can one receive a hwadu?
         Does one have to investigate only one hwadu in a lifetime?
         For most hwadu, does one use only the existing 1,700 gong-an?
     Chapter 2: The Role of the Supervisor
         The Role of the Master and the Methods of Supervision in Ganhwa Seon
         Meeting with a good teacher
         The mental attitude of a practitioner seeking a teacher
         Can one question when the master in the patriarchal lineage lectures?
         Can long-term practitioners supervise? Are there no other methods?
         How must one polish one’s own practice in the Seon cloister?
     Chapter 3. The Stage of Investigation of the Hwadu
         How is the hwadu concretely investigated?
         The Reasons one must possess the Mind of Great Faith, the Mind of Great Indignation, the Mind of Gre..
         What are the feeling of doubt, the ball of doubt, form into one piece, and the silver mountains and ..
         The Differences between Investigating the Hwadu and Contemplating the Hwadu
         When one is not possessed by hwadu, may one use mantic power or chant hwadu or be mindful of hwadu?
         Live Phrases and Dead Phrases
     Chapter 4: Overcoming the Malfunctions
         Methods of Removing Ten Malfunctions in the Investigation of Hwadu
         The Difference between the Mind of Rapid Result and the Mind of Indignant Outburst
         The Method of Controlling Rising Gi
         Methods of Controlling Dullness and Restlessness
         Method of Overcoming Sexual Desire and Sleep
     Chapter 5: The Investigation of Hwadu Method in Everyday Life
         How much must one practice in silence and can one enter into study in movement?
         How does one overcome the contrary realms and the favorable realms during the course of daily study
         What is the relation between hwadu investigation and the place?
         Can one take up a hwadu while working as a layperson?
     Chapter 6: Investigation of Hwadu and the Stage of Samadhi
         Investigation of hwadu and alert tranquility
         When investigating hwadu, what must one do about the tasteless?
         What is the samādhi spoken of in Ganhwa Seon?
         What are the Three Stages of Movement and Calm in One Thusness, Dream and Awakening in One Thusness,..
         Can sentient beings of superior ability conquer the hwadu at the end of a word?
         Why should one be careful about the calm realm?
         What is to be done if the hwadu is pure and is enlarged to mystical phenomena?
  PART 3: The world of enlightenment
     Chapter 1: Examination and Seal of Approval
         What are the examination and the seal of approval?
         How is the examination and seal of approval achieved?
         If one examines one’s own study, what should one do?
     Chapter 2: The World of Enlightenment
         What is enlightenment and what world is opened up?
         What is “Frustrations are Enlightenment”?
         The reason one is not trapped by contrary and favorable realms when one is enlightened
         How do the enlightened convert sentient beings?
         The social values and role of Ganhwa Seon