Hwadu Meditation

The Gateless Gate

Busong 2024. 11. 29. 08:15
  A collection of 100 koans
  The Blue Cliff Record
  Record of Dong-Sarn Lerng-Guy
  The Dharma Essentials for Cultivating Stopping and Contemplation
  The Platform Sutra of the 6th Patriarch, Hui Neng
  rabbit horn: sudden awakening-gradual cultivation
  Thirteen Passes of Koans(Hwadu Meditation)
  Even existing dharmas must be discarded, So how can we cling to Dharmas which don't exist!
  Collection of Stone and Sand
  The Gateless Gate
     Gateless Gate
  The Ten Oxherding Pictures
     The Ten Oxherding Pictures - Allegories for Our Practice
  Hidden Treasure of Korean Buddhism : Mu Ryang
  The meaning and essence of Seon : Gou
  Zen Song by Na-Ong Seon Master
  Belief Inscription
  Words & Phrases for Zen
  The Right Way of Kongan
  Joju's Dog
     Sudden Enlightenment
     Joju Investigates
  You Already Understand! -Seung Sahn
     Dharma talk by Zen Master Seung San -Video
         Chong An Sunim's Dharma Talk
     Don't Know
     Women Cannot Get Enlightenment
     True God, True Buddha
     Illiness Helps Your True Self
     What is Seon?
     Seon is Understanding Yourself
     As Big as the Whole Universe
     Wake Up!
     The True Buddha
  Enlightenment is free from evil yet does hold wholesomeness : Daehyo
  Seon Master Beopjeong
     Dharma Talk 2008 October
     The Dharma Words on Peace of Mind
     The Titmouse's Nest
     The True Meaning of a 'Person of Wealth'
     Who are you?
     Master and Disciple
     A true free person is one who pays their duty and not bound by it.”
  Vinaya Master Ilta Sunim
     You must practice meditation without wishing for lucky chances
  Seon Master Jin-je
     Must possess great piety and a dauntless determination to open door to Great Path
  The Fundamental Mind of Supreme Enlightenment - Yongseong
     The Way to Investigate the Hwadu
  Heavy Sacks - Gyeongheo
     Roaring of a Mud Cow
     How to live as a Sunim (Monk)
     A Leper
     A Preach for Mother
  Seon Master Songdam
  The etymology of Kongan : Seo-ong
     Chan Buddhism and the Philosophies of Laozi (老子) and Zhuangzi (莊子)
     The wooden ox walks in fire
     An Authentic Person of No Status
  The Way of Eternal Liberation : Cheonghwa
     The Dharma Words on Peace of Mind
     Reciting the Buddha's Name and Seon Meditation
  Venerable Master Seong-Cheol's Dharma Talks
  The Way to Contemplate a Hwadu : Jeongang