Hwadu Meditation
Thirteen Passes of Koans
2010. 2. 10. 11:58
1. Recital Koan using Tongue (誦話頭)
2. Recital Koan in Thought (念話頭)
3. Made-up Question Koan (做作話頭)
4. Genuine Question (眞疑頓發)
5. Constancy in inaction (坐禪一如)
6. Constancy in action (動靜一如)
7. Constancy in a dream (夢覺(中)一如)
8. Constancy in a fast sleep (寤寐一如)
9. Constancy between life and death (生死一如)
10. Constancy during entrance into a womb (入胎一如)
11. Constancy in the womb (住胎一如)
12. Constancy during exit out of the womb (出胎一如)
13. Eternal Constancy (永劫一如)